Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rabbit trap and birds

There is a rabbit trap in our backyard. And me and Sam made it. And me and Sam have airsoft guns (actually not me, only Sam has one but I have a sling shot that my grandma gave to me for Christmas).  We made it with spinach for live bait and had a box and a stick was holding it up. There was a rope tied to the stick and when we pulled the rope, the stick fell and the box fell on it. Our next-door neighbor has a rabbit that leaves rabbit bombs in our yard (it's world war 2 with bunnies!).
We camped out on the trampoline one night and we saw a cougar and we tried to shoot it and then we saw a black bear at one o'clock in the morning and there was a coyote and it was holding the rabbit that we caught in our trap in his mouth (That little coyote is a peshhtttt!)
That's all.

And this is a picture of one from wikipedia.

This is what it would look like if Sam and I caught it and killed it and took our pocket knives and butchered it:

We would be the ones that gut it. Woo Hoo! Mom would cook it and the family would eat it for a snack. Good bye, I am going hunting for wabbits!!


  1. Whew....that was quite a story !!!! I bet the back yard was really filled up by the time the cougar and black bear got out there!!! Keep on writing good stories and you will get better each time. Love, Grandma

  2. a wild HARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOIN HUNTING FOR WABBITS.JAKE

  3. eeewwwwww! Eating rabbits. Gross. I want cookies for a snack.
