Monday, February 14, 2011

red panda

The Red panda is red. It is not a raccoon it is a red panda. They live is Asia so they are not here. Here is a picture from wikipedia.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rabbit trap and birds

There is a rabbit trap in our backyard. And me and Sam made it. And me and Sam have airsoft guns (actually not me, only Sam has one but I have a sling shot that my grandma gave to me for Christmas).  We made it with spinach for live bait and had a box and a stick was holding it up. There was a rope tied to the stick and when we pulled the rope, the stick fell and the box fell on it. Our next-door neighbor has a rabbit that leaves rabbit bombs in our yard (it's world war 2 with bunnies!).
We camped out on the trampoline one night and we saw a cougar and we tried to shoot it and then we saw a black bear at one o'clock in the morning and there was a coyote and it was holding the rabbit that we caught in our trap in his mouth (That little coyote is a peshhtttt!)
That's all.

And this is a picture of one from wikipedia.

This is what it would look like if Sam and I caught it and killed it and took our pocket knives and butchered it:

We would be the ones that gut it. Woo Hoo! Mom would cook it and the family would eat it for a snack. Good bye, I am going hunting for wabbits!!